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The Bar-On

Multifactor Measure of


Dr. Reuven Bar-On
Dr. Carina Fiedeldey-Van Dijk


Assessing Work Performance

Every organization monitors outcomes, but few monitor employee performance. The MMP evaluates how individuals function and behave at work, why individuals perform the way they do, and how to improve their performance.

Over 35 years, Dr. Reuven Bar-On has modeled human performance within the workplace. Now in its fourth edition, and in collaboration with Dr. Carina Fiedeldey-Van Dijk, the MMP is statistically normed and validated for use with diverse populations.

Employees are an organization's best asset with infinite potential for growth. By accurately differentiating between employees, organizations can foster morale, attract talent, manage burnout, improve resilience, and maximize retention.

“For breakthrough performance,
you've got to break through yourself.”
“For breakthrough performance, you've got to break through yourself.”
“For breakthrough performance,
you've got to break through yourself.”
“For breakthrough performance, you've got to break through yourself.”

Who Benefits from Performance?

Individual Development

Those working to enhance individuals’ job satisfaction and help them achieve work-life balance.

Senior executives looking to reposition
Employees seeking greater job satisfaction
Employees interested in promotion or finding another job
Candidates looking to enter or re-enter the job market
Pre-retirees planning for retirement

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  Corporate Solutions

Those working to optimize their talent pool and create a cohesive workplace culture.

Human resource professionals
Recruitment agencies identifying talent
Executive coaches strengthening skills
Facilitators conducting workshops and programs
Professional consultants providing expertise

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Public Services

Those working to contribute meaningfully in serving their community based on their professional expertise.

Law Enforcement, including SWAT, and other tactical units
Emergency Management
Government Services

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  Research and Publishing

Those interested in researching, publishing and/or presenting their approach to studying, evaluating, and enhancing performance.

Universities and Colleges
Professors and graduate students interested in performance
Researchers in various disciplines
Human-performance authors and publishers
Organizational development professionals

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Corporate Solutions

Those working to optimize their talent pool and create a cohesive workplace culture.

Human Resources cultivating leadership
Recruitment Agencies identifying talent
Executive Coaches strengthening skills
Facilitators conducting workshops and programs
Consultants providing expertise

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Public Services

Those working to contribute meaningfully in serving their community based on their professional expertise.

Law Enforcement, Special Ops
Healthcare, Emergency Management
Education, Government Services

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Individual Development

Those working to enhance individuals’ job satisfaction and help them achieve work-life balance.

Senior executives looking to reposition
Employees seeking job satisfaction
Employees angling for promotion
Candidates seeking employment
Pre-retirees leaving a legacy

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Research and Publishing

Those interested in researching, publishing and/or presenting their approach to studying, evaluating, and enhancing performance.

Universities, Colleges, Professors & Graduate students
Publishers and Authors of Human Performance
Organizational Research & Development

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Why This Year?

“Observe radical change to see what your performance could become.”

The timely development of the MMP caters to employees at every level. This method helps create effective organizational leadership. It also facilitates efficient staff allocation, accelerates informed decision-making, and offers robust metrics to measure ROI.

The MMP offers employee insights into current levels of performance - what contributes to it, where their unique strengths lie, and how they can further improve specific skills. This assessment identifies your value to any organization, and you can take that expertise with you no matter where you work.

“Observe radical change to see what your performance could become.”

MMP in the Public Eye


From Emotional Intelligence to Human Performance
Live podcast interview, Horacio Marchand – El Podcast, Monterrey, México
Host and moderator: Dr. Horacio Marchand
Guests: Dr. Reuven Bar-On and Dr. Carina Fiedeldey-Van Dijk
Watch on YouTube with Spanish subtext

Segment Chapters +
0:00Podcast host Dr. Horacio Marchand warmly welcomes Dr. Reuven Bar-On and Dr. Carina Fiedeldey-Van Dijk to a filmed podcast. He moderated a revealing interview with these renowned researchers, academics, and consultants on the topic of human performance and the Bar-On Multifactor Measure of Performance (MMP).
0:26Horacio desires to learn more about the Bar-On model of performance, the first of its kind. Reuven explained how the model and measure are connected and how they describe the performance of the whole person as a balance between contributors to performance. Carina commented on how this model encourages people to use performance measurement as opportunities for ongoing development, strengthening, and improvement.
6:13The guest speakers explain that the innovative model is intuitive because profitability and productivity matter to organizations, managers, and leaders and hence they want to support their employees to improve and do well, working from the inside out. Much scientific work went into its development to make its measurement easy for practitioners to use as a map for assessment and a compass for further development, thinking, and doing in new ways.
14:59Reuven and Carina comment on both the positive reinforcement of performance and its more negative sides, where affected workers need assistance in helping ease the pain of being on the receiving end of destructive behaviors. Looking inward is key, as well as engagement and motivation, relationships, problem-solving, and ingenuity in more flexible working arrangements. Finding each human’s individual story is key to understanding the exact nature of the pain to address it effectively.
21:57On the contemporary issue of burnout, Carina and Reuven illuminate how the MMP can proactively assist individuals with strategies for burnout avoidance and related signals of withdrawal, depression, etc., which significantly impact performance at work with noticeable implications for teams and organizations. Strategies to avoid burnout could start with improved strength in ingenuity (being resourceful and flexible), coping, and impulse control.
30:43Reuven explains how the MMP could be used in a clinical setting, but importantly it goes beyond pathology to general human beings and their everyday functioning at work and elsewhere. Mental health is looked at broadly to include employees needing to take more sick days than usual or the prevalence of silent quitting as examples. This view points to a wide applicability of the MMP and opens up the sharing of responsibility for employee well-being to include not only HR, but also managers, CEOs, mentors, peers, and so on.
34:36Carina gives examples of how employees at all levels in the organization can have high, average, or marginal performance, and that the critical combination of factors, or even the very top factor contributing to that could differ from one level or role to the next, and provide insight into that group. For example, top-performing C-suite level employees tend to have high engagement.
40:01Carina and Reuven share some views on the younger generations and the way they work. The MMP can distinguish with its 18 core factors which ones they value most and where their challenges typically lie. For example, the top contributing factors to performance for Gen-Z are wellness and motivation. They also discuss differences between countries in terms of cultural styles of responding and performing. The MMP is relevant for use among individuals of all countries. Direct comparisons are possible when the results can be standardized based on large numbers of test takers within each country.
45:12Reuven and Carina describe how performance is tied to specific goals, and what might underlie those to lead to productivity. They reference reading material that scientists, business audiences, and other practitioners might be interested in reading more about the MMP.
48:57Carina and Reuven remark that individuals can trial the MMP assessment via the mmp2perform.com website, or reach out to their nearest MMP Qualified Specialist or agent to set up employees to complete the assessment. It takes 20 minutes on average to rate the well-researched set of 120 items, and the MMP results are accurate.
56:05Horacio thanked the guest speakers for sharing their interesting work in helping organizations and individuals in this world to move towards being better human beings through their performance. The next interview will be with some tequila!

Multifactor Measure of Performance (English Excerpt)
Live radio interview at 20:00 on 94.5 FM Radio Fórmula en los Negocios (for Business), Yucatán
Host and moderator: Roberto Cruz Lozano
Guests: Dr. Reuven Bar-On and Dr. Carina Fiedeldey-Van Dijk

Segment Chapters +
0:00Radio host Roberto Cruz Lozano welcomes Dr. Reuven Bar-On and Dr. Carina Fiedeldey-Van Dijk to Mexico as guest speakers to its 1-hour talk show. He introduces Reuven and Carina as the co-developers of the Bar-On Multifactor Measure of Performance (MMP).
1:57Carina and Reuven briefly share the planned activities during their visit, particularly the exciting launch of the MMP assessment in Mexico. This performance measure focuses on current behavior and can be completed in Mexican Spanish and English.
3:50Reuven and Carina express the critical importance of performance in work and life. The MMP scientifically assesses multiple factors to profile the performance of the whole person. It is suitable for hiring and selection, employee training and management, individual and group development, etc.
8:46The guest speakers explain the simplicity of the MMP assessment process and several practical features to easily implement the MMP. These include secure online report access whenever needed, and ample support for accurate interpretation of performance results.
14:13Reuven and Carina describe how the MMP can assist organizations in hiring the right people for the job and help leadership make their products and services more profitable. It can help employees improve and adjust their performance to have a significant impact and thrive in times of change.
17:05Roberto is curious about how long it took to develop the MMP, to have the scientific rigor it enjoys today. The host and guest speakers conclude the conversation with appreciation for this conversational opportunity. For a smile, listen to the end!

Sharpening the Interpretation of Assessment Profiles:
Using the Bar-On MMP as a Measure of Performance
Poster presented by Dr. Carina Fiedeldey-Van Dijk
Authored by Dr. Carina Fiedeldey-Van Dijk and Dr. Reuven Bar-On

Summary Details +

Psychometric assessments are used to gain better understanding about individuals’ characteristics and capabilities for informed decision-making about their fit and future job effectiveness. While many professionals invest in assessment certification, formal practice in interpreting test results is often dependent on accreditation training.. Significant learning occurs through trial-and-error, and by relying on previous experience. This challenges the high standards that governing bodies like the AERA, APA and NCME, and the International Test Commission set for test interpretation.

In this session, we will consider best practices for interpreting assessment results beyond the identification of strengths and areas for opportunity, to discover the profiled “story” of the test taker. We will use the exemplary Bar-On Multifactor Measure of Performance™ (MMP), which provides standardized scores for 18 scales grouped into Physical, Cognitive, Personal, Social, and Inspirational factor categories. Five additional scales assess Leadership, Industriousness, Productiveness, Burnout Avoidance, and Coachability, which makes the MMP most suitable for skill building in these particular areas.

MMP reports provide solutions that are designed to meet key client functions and needs, three of which currently pose critical challenges: Competition for talent, top-performer retention, and impactful leadership. Attendees will be guided to practice different profile interpretations in these contexts, using a different benchmark each time.

We will use the MMP’s online visualization technology to interact with the assessment profiles. Attendees can follow along on the presentation screen, or participate hands-on by accessing the profiles from their own electronic device. The interpretational competence gained here will have wide application possibilities for practice and study.

APA Convention

APA promotes research in psychology, the improvement of research methods, and the application of research findings.

APA 2023 is bringing together the best psychology has to offer. From the latest trends in practice to cutting-edge psychological research, APA 2023 has something for everyone. With 1000+ hours of programming, APA 2023 has something for everyone. Explore the full program and find the sessions you just can’t miss.


How the MMPTM Works

Employees complete a 20-minute assessment about their work performance. There are no right nor wrong answers. Individual and group responses are then compiled into a report.

Comprehensive reports map out a development model that describes what lies behind employee performance. They are your guide to improve both core and ring attributes.


Interpretation with an optional debriefing session puts measured results into context. It focuses on 18 factors that quantify current work performance. Coachable employees will be more productive and industrious while avoiding burnout.

More about the MMP ≻

Employees complete a 20-minute assessment about their work performance. There are no right nor wrong answers. Individual and group responses are then compiled into a report.

These comprehensive reports map out a development model that describes what lies behind employee performance. By balancing both soft and hard skills, the reports are your guide to improve.

A debriefing session puts measured results into context. It focuses on 18 factors that quantify current work performance. Coachable employees will be more productive and industrious while avoiding burnout.

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Burnout Avoidance
Burnout Avoidance
Burnout Avoidance

MMP to Perform
14845 Yonge Street, Unit 6
Aurora, Ontario
Canada, L4G 6H8
MMP to Perform
14845 Yonge Street, Unit 6
Aurora, Ontario
Canada, L4G 6H8
MMP to Perform
14845 Yonge Street, Unit 6
Aurora, Ontario
Canada, L4G 6H8
© 2020-2025 Into Performance ULC.
All Rights Reserved.
Bar-On Multifactor Measure of Performance TM
(Bar-On MMPTM)
© 2021 Into Performance ULC.
All Rights Reserved.